APP ExplorOz Traveller

Friday, Oct 13, 2017 at 18:18

David Martin

[Image not found]The ExplorOz Traveller App is now one of the only navigational apps developed for the Australian market that is available in the Google Play, Apple App Store and now also the Microsoft Window Store. There are a number of apps that have support for Android and Apple however I.T. Beyond has gone into the Microsoft Store and offers support for Phone, tablets, laptops and desktops running the Windows 10 operating system.

TheExplorOz Traveller App provides mapping, navigation and tracking - even when offline. Traveller includes the largest POI database for Australia with over 80,000 verified Places, including free camps, rest areas, caravan parks, camp grounds, roadhouses, towns, and geological points complete with photos and reviews. Also included are almost 200 Treks with offline auto-guided routing to Australia's best 4WD and caravan destinations. This is the must-have app for any road, or off-road trip to allow to ExplorOz with confidence!
David Martin
Managing Director
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