![ExplorOz Traveller Launch Image]()
ExplorOz Traveller Launch Image
Today marks the culmination of many months or work, development and research we have successfully launched a full navigational app on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Stores.
This app developed for one of our web businesses
ExplorOz is called
ExplorOz Traveller. This hybrid app was developed using the following frameworks:
Cordova - to create the Hybrid app bridge
Angular - the primary Javascript framework
Ionic - the UI and toolset framework
Plus a wealth of tools and API's including: leaflet, angular-leaflet, prunecluster, cordova-background-geolocation (commercial license), cordova-sqlite-enterprise-free (commecial license), in-app purchasing, and about 30 other plugins and libraries.
All this glued together with a suite of new API methods on the
ExplorOz website and several thousand lines of Javascript.
It has been a great project that sets us up with the tools and skill set to produce high quality commercial grade apps in any market.
For more information about this app please check out the information published at
ExplorOz Traveller.